Technology in the Classroom

Technology Available in VUSD Classrooms

Primary Grades: TK, K, and 1st,, including special education: Class set of Chromebooks, Document Camera, Mounted Digital Projector, Printer and Teacher Workstation.

Grades 2-6, including special education: Class set of Chromebooks, Document Camera, Mounted Digital Projector, Printer and Teacher Workstation.

Grades 7-12: Class set of Chromebooks in all core subjects (including English, Math, Social Studies, Science and Foreign Language) along with special education classes, Document Camera, Mounted Digital Projector, Printer and Teacher Workstation.

21st Century Learning with Measure A

Measure A modernization has completed and most school sites have a Front Row Voice Amplification Sound System and Epson Interactive Short Throw Digital Projector installed in each classroom, with a wall mounted touch screen control unit. 

Measure A bond funding has also allowed VUSD to provide a device for every student in the classroom. Students often use learning tools and resources on the internet. Classrooms feature interactive white boards and projectors for instruction. Developing technological skills is an important aspect of student success after high school. State standard tests are also administers on computers.

Students use digital classroom tools for projects, homework, and collaboration.

Technology Guidelines

Students must follow VUSD guidelines and procedures regarding acceptable use of technology. The District makes a diligent effort to filter inappropriate or harmful matter accessible through the Internet, and students must also take responsibility not to initiate access to or post inappropriate or harmful matter while using District technology. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action and the loss of the privilege to use the technology and/or civil or criminal liability. (Education Code 48980)

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