COVID Relief Funding

1st Round of Funding Information

April 2020 -- September 2022

One Time Funding

Four new sources of funding were allocated to VUSD from April 2020 to September 2022. Each was allocated and received at a different time, has its own unique restrictions, and requires a different level of reporting.

These one-time funds were provided by the State or Federal government to help districts mitigate the impacts of the pandemic. The intent of the funding is to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic on student learning and provide safe learning environments for staff and students.


The $4,494,698 in Elementary & Secondary School Education Relief (ESSER I) funds were awarded by President Trump in April 2020. The funds were fully spent by September 2022.

Allowable expenses included:
COVID supplies/cleaning/support, meals, technology programs/devices/access/security, summer programs, extended school year, after school support, assessment systems, attendance/engagement support, parent/family support, school facility repair, school safety and continuity of services.

VUSD spending included:
$202,890 for Planning for distance learning and reopening
$90,821 for Learning Hub Support
$175,480 for Technology
$223,234 for PPE/Safety
$33,037 for Mental Health
$121,721 for Cleaning
$131,197 for Graduation
$8,003 for Curriculum
$179,065 for Chromebooks
$23,128 for Air Quality
$116,842 for COVID Testing


$1,958,268 in funds were awarded by Governor Newsom in April 2020. Funds were fully spent by June 30, 2022.

Allowable expenses included:
COVID supplies/cleaning/support, meals, technology programs/devices/access/security, professional development for staff, academic support from staff

VUSD spending included:
$220,365 for Reengagement Specialists
$114,235 for Chromebooks
$206,680 for Mental Health
$147,817 for Air Quality

Learning Loss Mitigation State Funding

$2,380,556 in funds were awarded by Governor Newsom in April 2020. Funds were fully spent by June 30, 2021.

VUSD spending included:
$586,521 for Chromebooks
$150,533 for Elementary Science
$50,076 for Professional Development
$60,000 for Learning Hubs
$14,000 for Mental Health

Learning Loss Mitigation Federal Funding

$15,429,883 in Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) were awarded by President Trump in May 2020 to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic on staffing and budgets. The funds were fully spent by May 30, 2021.
Allowable expenses included:
Addressing learning loss, extending instructional times, additional academic services, assessments, instructional materials, other supports, devices/connectivity for in-class and distance learning, mental health/counseling services, professional development, access to meal programs, pupil trauma and social emotional learning, testing, PPE’s, sanitizing/cleaning facilities and school buses

VUSD spending included:
$887,456 for Distance Learning Platforms/Software/Licenses
$1,546,512 for Technology, including Connectivity
$531,600 for School Site Needs


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